کتاب شیمی ارگانیک Solomons - ویرایش دوازدهم (2016)
نویسندگان: T.W. G. Solomons و C. B. Fryhle و S. A. Snyder
زبان کتاب انگلیسی و در 1293 صفحه است.
فایل PDF کتاب با بهترین کیفیت به صورت تمام رنگی و با قابلیت جستجو در متن و کپی برداری از متن است.
فهرست مطالب کتاب:
1 The Basics Bonding and Molecular Structure
2 Families of Carbon Compounds Functional Groups, Intermolecular Forces, and Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy
3 Acids and Bases An Introduction to Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms
4 Nomenclature and Conformations of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
5 Stereochemistry Chiral Molecules
6 Nucleophilic Reactions Properties and Substitution Reactions of Alkyl Halides
7 Alkenes and Alkynes I Properties and Synthesis. Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides
8 Alkenes and Alkynes II Addition Reactions
9 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectrometry Tools for Structure Determination
10 Radical Reactions
11 Alcohols and Ethers Synthesis and Reactions
12 Alcohols from Carbonyl Compounds Oxidation-Reduction and Organometallic Compounds
13 Conjugated Unsaturated Systems
14 Aromatic Compounds
15 Reactions of Aromatic Compounds
16 Aldehydes and Ketones Nucleophilic Addition to the Carbonyl Group
17 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives Nucleophilic Addition–Elimination at the Acyl Carbon 761
18 Reactions at the á Carbon of Carbonyl Compounds Enols and Enolates
19 Condensation and Conjugate Addition Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds More Chemistry of Enolates
20 Amines
21 Transition Metal Complexes Promoters of Key Bond-Forming Reactions
22 Carbohydrates
23 Lipids
24 Amino Acids and Proteins
25 Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
ANSWERS to Selected Problems
Data Sheets
کتاب شیمی ارگانیک Solomons - ویرایش دوازدهم (2016)