فی دوو

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

فی دوو

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

کتاب شطرنج b6 حرکت به حرکت b6: Move by Move

اختصاصی از فی دوو کتاب شطرنج b6 حرکت به حرکت b6: Move by Move دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

کتاب شطرنج b6 حرکت به حرکت b6: Move by Move

کتاب شطرنج b6 حرکت به حرکت b6: Move by Move

1...b6: Move by Move

نویسنده:Cyrus Lakdawala


فرمت : pdf

نسخه اورجینال

تعداد صفحات 380

انتشارات  Everyman Chess

1 ... B6: حرکت به حرکت

  • رهنمود های ضروری و آموزش با 1 ... B6
  • مجموعه کامل برای سیاه در برابر 1e4
  • با بهره گیری از یک روش ایده آل برای مطالعه شطرنج
  • بازدید برخی از صفحات

This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general chess skills and knowledge.

1...b6 is a dynamic defence which allows Black to steer the game into relatively unchartered territory, where White players are unable to relax and rely on their 'opening book' knowledge. A major attraction of 1...b6 is that it can be employed against all of White's mainline openings, including 1 e4, 1 d4, 1 Nf3 and 1 c4. In this book, International Master Cyrus Lakdawala examines all the important variations after 1...b6. Using illustrative games, he explains the main positional and tactical ideas for both sides, provides answers to all the key questions and tells you everything you need to know about successfully playing 1...b6.

  • Essential guidance and training with 1...b6
  • Provides repertoire options for Black
  • Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study

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کتاب شطرنج b6 حرکت به حرکت b6: Move by Move

دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج Chess Informant 118 – Cobra Edition

اختصاصی از فی دوو دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج Chess Informant 118 – Cobra Edition دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج Chess Informant 118 – Cobra Edition

دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج Chess Informant 118 – Cobra Edition

اینفور ماتور شطرنج -Chess Informant 118 – Cobra Edition -pdf 

 فرمت : PDF


اینفورماتور جزو کتابهایی است که به زبان سنبلیک شطرنج نوشته شده است و کاربران به راحتی متوجه تفسیرها و بررسی شروع بازی و آخر بازی می شوند و احتیاجی نیست به زبان انگلیسی مسلط باشید به همین دلیل جزو پر محتوا ترین و محبوبترین کتابها در دنیا است و استادان بزرگ برای آماده شدن در مقابل حریفان خود به اینفورماتور مراجعه می کنند

داشتن همه شماره ها از سال 1666 تا سال 2014 برای شطرنجبازان ضروری است


A33 انگلیسی ،

گامبی وزیر A40 ملکه،

B19 دفاع کاروکان

C45 اسکاتلندی

B80 سیسیلی Najdorf، حمله انگلیسی،

C63 Ruy لوپز Schliemann،

گامبی پذیرفته وزیر D20 

D39 نیمه تاراش،

گامبی Ragozin D88 وزیر

D90 Gruenfeld دفاع،گرونفلد

E34 Nimzo  دفاع نیمزوهندی

دفاع هندی شاه E94 


Chess Informant 118 – Cobra Edition

Paperback, 336 pages, November 2013.

Intro by Josip Asik, CEO of Chess Informant

ISBN: 978-86-7297-068-5

Chess Informant 118


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دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج Chess Informant 118 – Cobra Edition

فیلم آموزش حرفه ای شطرنج فارسی -گشایش اسکاتلندی

اختصاصی از فی دوو فیلم آموزش حرفه ای شطرنج فارسی -گشایش اسکاتلندی دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

فیلم آموزش حرفه ای شطرنج فارسی -گشایش اسکاتلندی

فیلم آموزش حرفه ای شطرنج فارسی -گشایش اسکاتلندی


آموزش کامل شروع بازی اسکاتلندی برای همه سطوح

زبان فارسی

فرمت mp4

تعداد ویدئوها 6

گشایش اسکاتلندی

1اسکاتلندی-واریانت میزس1
2اسکاتلندی-واریانت میزس2
6-گامبی اسکاتلندی


1-e4 e5 2-Cf3 Cc6 3-d4

شهرت این بازی از مسابقات مکاتبه ای بین شهرهای ادینبورگ و لندن (سال 1824)به دست آمده است. در قرن نوزدهمبازیهای اسکاتلندی را شطرنجبازان برجسته آن زمان پائولسن-استائونتون و اشتاینیتز مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار دادند.

در تئوری های معاصر شروع بازی ها نیز استادان شوروی نقش زیادی در انجام بررسی ها در مورد این گشایش داشته اند.

طرح اصلی بازی اسکاتلندی برای سفید عبارت از کسب برتری در مرکز از طریق از بین بردن پیاده ی e5 سیاه میباشد.

اما سیاه نیز بازی متقابل خوبی دارد که مربوط به انجام حرکت d5 میشود. چنانچه سفید در پی گرفتن پیاده حریف در d4نباشدو با 4.c3 جواب دهد (گامبی اسکاتلندی)به وجود می آید که منجر به بازی بسیار تندی خواهد شد.


زبان : کاملا فارسی

فرمت: mp4

شامل واریانت های زیر:

گشایش اسکاتلندی

1اسکاتلندی-واریانت میزس1
2اسکاتلندی-واریانت میزس2
6-گامبی اسکاتلندی


 با بالاترین کیفیت 


دانلود با لینک مستقیم

فیلم آموزش حرفه ای شطرنج فارسی -گشایش اسکاتلندی

دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج 121 Chess Informant 121 Midnight Sun

اختصاصی از فی دوو دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج 121 Chess Informant 121 Midnight Sun دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج 121 Chess Informant 121 Midnight Sun

دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج 121 Chess Informant 121 Midnight Sun

NEW: Chess Informant 121 Midnight Sun

فرمت : cbv-pgn

با بهترین بازیهای بزرگان شطرنج از جمله مورزویچ

شروع بازی -تاکتیک-استراتژی-آخربازی

جدیدترین شماره ک در همین هفته منتشر شده است

بازدید در سایت اصلی

Chess Informant 121 Midnight Sun book

اینفورماتور جزو کتابهایی است که به زبان سنبلیک شطرنج نوشته شده است و کاربران به راحتی متوجه تفسیرها و بررسی شروع بازی و آخر بازی می شوند و احتیاجی نیست به زبان انگلیسی مسلط باشید به همین دلیل جزو پر محتوا ترین و محبوبترین کتابها در دنیا است و استادان بزرگ برای آماده شدن در مقابل حریفان خود به اینفورماتور مراجعه می کنند

داشتن همه شماره ها از سال 1666 تا سال 2014 برای شطرنجبازان ضروری است

Chess Informant 121 Midnight Sun

Paperback, 348 pages



Just as chess fans all over the world were excited by the goings-on at the recent Chess Olympics, so were the staff at Chess Informant excited at the prospect of preparing for readers a Midnight Sun edition, primarily devoted to reporting on this same gigantic sporting event. The aptly named ‘Tournament of All Nations’ took place in the Norwegian city of Tromso, situated within the Arctic Circle, and, perhaps inspired by the spirit of the northern lights, our authors, most of them Olympiad participants, sent us bright games, brilliant ideas and breathtaking insights from this wonderful eleven round competition.


Alexander MorozevichIt’s high time to mention our leader column which takes one rather special Olympiad game as a starting point for all further analyses! There is a mystique about him; he is a top class player with an original style, and highly regarded by his colleagues as one of the world’s leading trend-setters for opening innovations. The variations which GM Alexander Morozevich is playing are being met by inevitable questions such as “Why haven’t I figured this out by now?” or “This is so far out. Am I dreaming?” His writing style is unique, his imagination fantastic – are you prepared to take up the challenge and learn all about the B12 Blockade the Caro-Kann line 4.h4 h5 5.Bd3, that was successfully tried and tested by Ivan Saric first in the 2014 Poikovsky super-tournament and then three months later in the Tromso Olympiad? Caro-Kann players you have been warned. You can no longer be assured of a peaceful life if you are faced with an opponent armed with the latest high grade weaponry supplied by Alexander Morozevich from his Midnight in Moscow storehouse! By the way, in our enthusiasm we forgot to mention that Moro is the guy who won the Poikovsky tournament...


Bassem AminWhere Great Minds Meet is a collection of 25 deeply annotated games – encounters that attracted the attention of our ‘Magnificent Seven’: GM Sarunas Sulskis, 1st board of Lithuania, GM Rafael Leitao, 1st board of Brazil, GM Julio Sadorra, 1st board of Philippines, GM Bassem Amin, 1st board of Egypt, GM Aleksandar Colovic, 2nd board of Macedonia, GM Nikola Sedlak, gold medallist on the 4th board of Serbia and GM Emanuel Berg, 5th board of Sweden. And no, it’s not a coincidence that Informant 121 includes perspectives on the Olympiad from representatives of five continents, gathered together in harmony in full accord with the FIDE motto Gens Una Sumus (‘We are one family’).


Sam ShanklandAmerican GM Sam Shankland was most definitely one of the Tromso Chess Olympiad’s sporting heroes! His opening sprint of 7 wins out of 7 games, so reminiscent of his fellow-American, the late and great Bobby Fischer, was really something extra special and in fact caused a big sensation in the playing hall. A star is born! Sam duly won the gold medal for best individual performance on Board 5 but even more than that, with a final tally of 9/10 he claimed the highest percentage result of the entire Olympiad. Then, before going back home to San Francisco, the modest 22 year old grandmaster was a guest of Chess Informant in Belgrade where he also played in rapid and blitz tournaments held under our auspices. Now, in the pages of this Informant, you can read his own inside story of how he made 7/7 – and then 9/10!


Another exclusive column in Informant 121 is the Olympiad Diary by GM Wesley So, the team coach for the United States, Though Wesley is ranked 12th in the world, because of the rules and regulations for changing his federation from the Philippines to the USA, where he now lives, he was not yet eligible for inclusion as a player in the American team.  However, instead he accepted our invitation to lead Informant readers, round by round, behind the curtain, past the disappointments and defeats and on to the aspirations and achievements of the American players. This was quite an unusual role for such a high class player, who will in the near future, together with Sam Shankland and Ray Robson, undoubtedly provide a younger look to the team of his newly adopted country.


Alexander Ipatov

Let’s say that our Olympiad stories are a warm up for readers of Informant 121. After all, we are talking about 348 pages, filled with all sorts of topical and instructional features, accompanied by commentaries on recent chess games played all over the world. High-end articles with deep analysis are counter-balanced by others, also written by grandmasters, which provide move-by-move explanatory comments. This is neither a bland collection of bare game scores nor is it a tabloid-style magazine; chess is a science – as well as an art and a sport – and Informant today might be described as a popular periodical for chess science…


In 2014, World Champion Magnus Carlsen completed a hat-trick of world titles by winning both the Rapid and Blitz tournaments in Dubai, adding them to the FIDE World Championship match he won last year against Vishy Anand. Our regular columnist, young GM Alexander Ipatov(Olympiad board 2 of the Turkish team), was among the participants in Dubai but also watched closely and tried to demystify Carlsen’s apparent ease of play.


Ladies play fast and furious chess too, don’t they? Women’s world titles in rapid and blitz were claimed by Katerina Lagno and Anna Muzychuk at the World Championships in Khanty-Mansiysk this year. Our new columnist, GM Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant (Olympiad Board 1 of Scotland’s ladies team), has anotatated key games from Siberia. Thanks to her great experience, by means of many examples taken from fast play she is able to identify what kind of preparation and what other necessary skills will enable players to be successful in these brief chess encounters, which seem to be more prevalent than ever in today’s chess environment.


Featuring | Chess Informant 121

Part 3 of the Building your Repertoire series, by Greek GM Vasilios Kotronias, well known chess theoretician and author, and the trainer who helped Topalov, Shirov and Short to reach their peak performances, is dedicated to the Alapin Sicilian with 2.c3. Only in Chess Informant are you getting a book within a book!


In the traditional ‘Games’ section with its non-verbal annotations, you will find about 200 games from ECO A to ECO E, analysed by numerous contributors or our in-house grandmaster team.


The CD version is a very useful add-on to the book – if you are using Chessbase software then you will already know all about the fully functional CBH-book. There are PGN files inside as well for use on PGN reader tablet/iPad apps. However, our sincere recommendation is not to rely on the CD alone, but the book+CD option. This is quite simply the best possible way to derive maximum benefit from the rich content of Chess Informant.

There is a learning curve in all the articles our grandmasters produce – so don’t miss out on thefreely downloadable training tests that will take you through the instructional aspects of Informator. These resources will also provide valuable help for trainers or parents.

Combinations, endings, studies and tournament reports complete the action-packed pages, offering readers stacks of practical chess material and months of reading pleasure – as John Donaldson, captain of US Olympiad team, recently pointed out.

Chess Informant is the most progressive chess periodical on the market, so don’t let it pass you by – join the movement! You might even like to subscribe and thereby receive bonuses, but there are many other reasons why it’s a great chess choice. Do check out our subscribe page.

Front and backcover


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دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج 121 Chess Informant 121 Midnight Sun

امپراتوری شطرنج شماره 70 حمله همانند یک استاد بزرگ Volume 70: GM Crushing Attacks – GM Maxim Dlugy

اختصاصی از فی دوو امپراتوری شطرنج شماره 70 حمله همانند یک استاد بزرگ Volume 70: GM Crushing Attacks – GM Maxim Dlugy دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

امپراتوری شطرنج شماره 70 حمله همانند یک استاد بزرگ Volume 70: GM Crushing Attacks – GM Maxim Dlugy

امپراتوری شطرنج شماره 70 حمله همانند یک استاد بزرگ Volume 70: GM Crushing Attacks – GM Maxim Dlugy


Volume 70: GM Crushing Attacks – GM Maxim Dlugy

کیفیت اورجینال   فرمت mp4

چگونگی حمله مانند یک استاد بزرگ

چگونگی حمله خوب و اجتناب از بروز اشتبا هات در هنگام حمله

استفده از توانایی فنی مانند استاد بزرگ با حرکات کامل و پخته در موقیعیت های برنده و راه اندازی حمله

دانلود این فیلم آموزشی را به همه شطرنجبازان توصیه میکنیم

این DVD به بازیکنان نشان می دهد که چگونه مثل یک استاد بزرگ حمله کنید، ارائه شده توسط GM ماکسیم Dlugy، او با استفاده از نمونه هایی از بازی های میخائیل تال -فیشر  و بازی های خود  برای نشان دادن تکنیک ها و ساختارهای فکر برای فعال کردن بازی حمله ای  بسیار عالی است. پوشش از عناصر بازی حمله از جمله وجود دارد: چگونه حمله خوب و اجتناب از بروز اشتباه در هنگام حمله. چگونه برای پیدا کردن دلیل این که چرا یک حمله را باید راه اندازی کنیم. چگونگی رسیدن به توانایی های فنی استاد بزرگ هنگام رسیدن به موقعیت برنده. حرکت کامل و پخته.

The DVD “GM Crushing Attacks” shows players how to attack like a Grandmaster, presented by GM Maxim Dlugy, he uses examples from Tal and his own games to show techniques and thinking structures to enable excellent attack play. There is coverage of the elements of attack play including:

  • How to attack well and avoid pitfalls when attacking.
  • How to find reasons why an attack should be launched.
  • Grandmaster technical ability when attaining the winning position.
  • Mature moves.

This DVD is a must for players seeking to excel in the ‘art of attack’.


1. تال -فیشر
2. Akesson – Dlugy
3. تال -اسمیلسوف
4. Dlugy – Galunova

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امپراتوری شطرنج شماره 70 حمله همانند یک استاد بزرگ Volume 70: GM Crushing Attacks – GM Maxim Dlugy