سال انتشار: 2012
تعداد صفحات: 157
چکیده لاتین:
Abstract of Dissertation
The Relationship Between Organizational Identification and Learning Organization Dimensions in a Franchise Network: An Exploratory Survey Research Study
This study explored the relationship between the perception of organizational identification and perceptions of learning organization dimensions in a medium-sized, U.S.-based franchise organization. The research questions were these: To what extent is there a relationship between the franchise owner’s organizational identification with the franchise network and that franchise owner’s perspective of the learning dimensions of the franchise network? and to what extent is there a relationship between the franchise owner’s organizational identification with the franchise network and that franchise owner’s perspective of the subscales of the learning dimensions of the franchise network? The study used a quantitative research design and a 35-item survey instrument. The survey instrument consisted of three sections: (a) demographic questions, (b) organizational identification questions from Edwards and Peccei’s (2007) instrument, and (c) dimension of the learning organization questions from Watkins and Marsick’s (2003) DLOQ. The organizational identification and learning organization sections of the instrument remained unchanged from previous studies, which allowed for a relative comparison of descriptive statistics from previous studies. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated to determine reliability. The instrument was a self-administered Internet survey. All 81 franchise owners within the franchise network received the instrument. A total of 51 respondents completed the survey instrument. Descriptive statistics and correlations using Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were analyzed. The findings suggested that the descriptive statistics from a franchise network were no vi different from those from previous studies in numerous different business formats, which indicated that the relationships within the franchise being studied were similar to those within an integrated organization. The study also indicated a moderately strong positive correlation between organizational identification and learning organization dimensions (R = .468). Similarly, the study suggested that the strongest correlations existed between organizational identification and encouraging collaboration and team learning (R = .551), and between organizational identification and strategic leadership (R = .473). Finally, the study suggested the weakest correlations existed between organizational identification and systems to capture and share learning. The study concluded that this franchise was no different from integrated organizations and that a correlation did exist, which leads to new areas for further theoretical exploration and practical application.
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