CMOS Time-Mode Circuits and Systems
Fundamentals and Applications(2015)
R y e r s o n U n i v e r s i t y, To r o n t o , C a n a d a
C M O S E m e r g i n g Te c h n o l o g i e s R e s e a r c h I n c .
Va n c o u v e r, B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a , C a n a d a
این کتاب برای دانشجویان ارشد الکترونیک دیجیتال و مهندسان طراحی مدارهای دیجیتال مناسب می باشد.
Time-mode circuits, where information is represented by time difference between digital events, offer a viable and technology-friendly means to realize mixed-mode circuits and systems in nanometer complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technologies. Various architectures of time-based signal processing and design techniques of CMOS time-mode circuits have emerged; however, an in-depth examination of the principles of time-based signal processing and design techniques of time-mode circuits has not been available―until now.
CMOS Time-Mode Circuits and Systems: Fundamentals and Applications is the first book to deliver a comprehensive treatment of CMOS time-mode circuits and systems. Featuring contributions from leading experts, this authoritative text contains a rich collection of literature on time-mode circuits and systems.
The book begins by presenting a critical comparison of voltage-mode, current-mode, and time-mode signaling for mixed-mode signal processing and then:
- Covers the fundamentals of time-mode signal processing, such as voltage-to-time converters, all-digital phase-locked loops, and frequency synthesizers
- Investigates the performance characteristics, architecture, design techniques, and implementation of time-to-digital converters
- Discusses time-mode delta-sigma-based analog-to-digital converters, placing a great emphasis on time-mode quantizers
- Includes a detailed study of ultra-low-power integrated time-mode temperature measurement systems
CMOS Time-Mode Circuits and Systems: Fundamentals and Applications provides a valuable reference for circuit design engineers, hardware system engineers, graduate students, and others seeking to master this fast-evolving field.
CMOS Time-Mode Circuits and Systems Fundamentals and Applications