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فرمت فایل:Word (قابل ویرایش و آماده پرینت)
تعداد صفحه:19
In the name of god
the Mercy – giving , the Merciful !
- (I) Belivevers will succeed !
- [ This means ] those who are revernt in their prayer ,
- Who refrain from idle take ,
- Who are active in [ promoting ] public welfare
- Are who guard their private parts
- Except with their spouses and whomever their hands may control , since then are free from blame
- Those who hanker after anything beyond that are going too fat !
- And those who preserve their trusts and their pledge ,
- And who attend to their prayers ,
10) Will be the heirs
11) Who shall inherit paradis to live there for ever .
12) We created man from an extract of clay ;
13) Then we placed him as a drop of semen in a secure resting – place .
14) Then we turned the semen into a clot ; next we turned the clot into tissue and then we turned the tissue into bones and clothed the bones with flesh . Then we reproduced him as a fresh creation . Blessed be god , the best of creators !
15) Then later on you shall die .
16) Next you will be raised up again on resurrection day .
17) We have created seven orbits above you ; We have not been heedless about creaction .
18) We send down water from the sky in due measure , and let it trickle into the earth . We are even able to make it disappear .
19) We have produced gate groves and vinetards on it for you ; from which you much fruit to eat .
20) As well as a tree growing on mount sinai whvch produces oil and seasoning for those [ to ] eat .
21) You have [ still another ] lesson in livestock : We let you drink what is in their bellies , and you have many [ other ] uses them ; Some of them you eat ,
22) While on them and on shipboard are you transported .
23) (II) We sent Noah to his folk , and he said ; “ My people , worship God; you have on other deity except Him. Will you not do your duty? ”
24) The elders among his folk who disbelived said : “ This is only a human being like yourselves over you . If God had wished , He would have send down angels [ instead ] . We never herrd about this from our early forefathers .
25) He is only a man possessed some sprite , so try to catch off guard for moment . ”
26) He siad ; “ My Lord , support me in viwe of hom they have rejected me ! ”
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