فرمت فایل : WORD ( قابل ویرایش)
تعداد صفحات: سوالات زبان انگلیسی سوم (ریاضی) سالهای 84-85-86-87-88-89(دی-خرداد-شهریور)
در صورت داشتن سوال و یا درخواست پروژه و یا تحقیق با هر فرمت دلخواهتان لطفا،حتما با شماره های ما تماس بگیرید.
تلفن پاسخگویی به سفارشات شما عزیزان :09389070898
ایمیل پشتیبان:MRTeacher2008@gmail.com
مجموعه سوالات زبان انگلیسی سوم (ریاضی) سالهای 84-85-86-87-88-89
در سه فصل دی - خرداد - شهریور کاملا طبقه بندی شده توسط اساتید به نام این درس به همراه پاسخنامه آنها در آخر سوالات
از نمونه سوالات این درس:
1- کلمات ناقص را بهطور کامل بازنویسی کنید.
- B. Every word is a puz_le because it has a secr_t story behind it.
- D. For famil_es with children a big pr_blem is getting the children away from TV.
- F. He has the abil_ty to remember all the d_tails of the story.
- H. He wres_les beautifully. He is a great athl_te.
- J. It is not a s_it_ble program. It can have a bad influen_e on children.
- L. They sw_tched the conversation to a different t_p_c.
- N. The Olympics attar_t a lot of people from different n_tions.
- P. Psycholo_ists are searching for the ch_mic_l basis of memory in the brain.
2- با استفاده از کلمات داده شده جملات زیر را کامل کنید. (یک کلمه اضافی است)
Spacecraft- society- painful- relaxed- competition- shout- record- purpose- improve
- "What did your father do last Friday?" "He stayed at home and …………… ."
- Reza fell off his bicycle yesterday. His legs are …………… now.
- "How can I …………… my average?" "You should study more."
- "What can the brain do?" "It can …………… a large amount of information."
- A …………… has sent very clear pictures from the moon.
- We need different kinds of jobs and services in our …………… .
- In the Olympic Games our teams were in …………… with the best swimmers in the world.
- Please don’t …………… . The children are sleeping in the room.
3- جملههای زیر را فقط با نوشتن یک کلمه مناسب کامل کنید.
- We should choose a good …………… of education that can prepare children for life.
- Her name is very difficult. It doesn’t …………… in my mind.
- The hottest season of the year is called …………… .
- A …………… medal is awarded to the third- place winner.
- A person who believes is Islam is called a (n) …………… .
- Alexander Graham Bell’s invention was the …………… .
4- شکل صحیح کلمههای داخل پرانتز را در جاهای خالی بنویسید.
- The old woman walked …………… along the street. (slow)
- The …………… of birds to warmer places happens in winter. (migrate)
- You must be …………… . The fire may burn your hand. (care)
- The little children were very …………… when they watched the cartoons. (amuse)
- I wanted her to show me the way to the post office, but she didn’t …………… me. (guide)
- The …………… of the lake was so great that we couldn’t see the bottom. (deep)
5- پاسخ صحیح را از بین گزینههای پیشنهاد شده انتخاب کنید.
- David had lots of holiday photographs. He insisted on …………… them to me.
a) showing b) to show c) shows d) show
- "Did he stop …………… the car when you called him?" "No, he didn’t even look at me."
a) wash b) washing c) washes d) washed
- I don’t want to go out yet. I am waiting …………… the postman to arrive.
a) at b) about c) for d) on
- It is necessary for him …………… the accident to the police.
a) report b) to report c) reporting d) reports
- "Did she pick up the clothes?" "Yes, she picked ……………".
a) them up b) up them c) it up d) up it
- "Did the mechanic fix your car this morning?" "No, it …………… tomorrow."
a) fixes b) will fix c) has been fixed d) will be fixed
6- با هر گروه از کلمات زیر یک جمله کامل بنویسید.
- old- the school yard- teacher- the- in- is- English.
- was- two years- bridge- ago- built- the.
7- براساس جملههای داده شده، جملات ناقص را کامل کنید.
- "When will Ali meet his uncle?" I don’t know ...............
- I told Mina, "Don’t put your shoes on the table." I told Mina ……………
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