استاندارد ASTM D 2166 آزمایش تعیین مقاومت فشاری محصور نشده در خاک
Standard Test Method for
Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil1
This test method covers the determination of the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil in the undisturbed, remolded, or compacted condition, using strain-controlled application of the axial load.
This test method provides an approximate value of the strength of cohesive soils in terms of total stresses.
This test method is applicable only to cohesive materials which will not expel or bleed water (water expelled from the soil due to deformation or compaction) during the loading portion of the test and which will retain intrinsic strength after removal of confining pressures, such as clays or cemented soils. Dry and crumbly soils, fissured or varved materials, silts, peats, and sands cannot be tested with this method to obtain valid unconfined compression strength values
استاندارد ASTM D 2166 آزمایش تعیین مقاومت فشاری محصور نشده در خاک Unconfined Compressive Strength