Skull Fracture
A break in the protective bone that forms the skull is always a serious emergency. Head injury is the leading cause of death in males under 35 years old.
Causes : A skull fracture is caused by a severe blow to the head.
A skull fracture typically causes pain and swelling or deformity of the skull; bruising or discoloration at the site of the injury, behind the ear, or around the eyes and nose; profuse bleeding from the scalp if the skin is broken; unequal pupils; and blood or clear, watery fluid leaking from the ears or nose. If the victim also sustains brain damage, these symptoms may be accompanied by drowsiness or confusion, vomiting and nausea, blurred vision, irritability, headache, memory lapses, and loss of consciousness.
نوع فایل : Word
تعداد صفحه : 2
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